+7 (812) 635-90-30
Более 15 лет
на рынке автоматизации
Решения на базе приводной техники
компоненты автоматизации
управление электродвигателями
комплексные решения
Эффективное управление энергией
производить больше с меньшими затратами
Только качественные компоненты для автоматизации
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Drive Technology and Components

“DRIVEKA” LLC is engineering company which specializes on supplying quality drive technology equipment and accessories, as well as ready-made electric drive control systems.

If your technological equipment is in need of an asynchronous motor frequency regulator control systems, softstart shockless electric motor systems or DC motor control systems then we can offer our services starting from developing reliable and cost effective systems to their implementation, testing and deployment. We are also ready to supply all necessary components for creation of a control system on beneficial terms for you and at the optimal prices.

In addition to our main business we provide our Customers consulting services and technical support according to nomenclature of the supplied equipment.


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